The Joe Tomsu Memorial Team and Over/Under Doubles Championships were contested at Mockingbird Lanes, in Omaha, NE, on the weekend of November 9th and 10th, 2024. We are excited to announce the winners of this year's tournaments, Team Mastny on Saturday, and Blake Earnest and Sean Mason in the Over/Under Doubles contested Sunday. We were honored to host competitive fields which competed at a high level.
We would like to thank all of the participants for bringing their best game and making this event a huge success. Also, thank you to Jeff Shulo and the staff of Mockingbird Lanes for providing a great venue for the tournament. We look forward to seeing all of our great friends again next year.
Click on the "Current Results" page for detailed results of this year's tournaments, including side action.
2024 Tomsu memorial is in the books
Mockingbird GM Jeff Shulo and Michaela Tomsu(L), along with Matt Tomsu (R), present the championship plaques to (l to r) Blake Earnest and Sean Mason.
2024 Tomsu team champions

2024 over/under champions
Hosts Matt Tomsu(L) and Michaela Tomsu(R) present checks and plaques to "Team Mastny", Billy Lowther III, JJ Mastny, Isiah Bautista, and Ayden Wille (L to R).

Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Joe Tomsu Memorial Team Championship, Team Balta. The bowlers, from South Dakota and Iowa, took the major prize by defeating Team Roth in the final match. Total results, including side action, can be viewed by clicking the "2023 UPDATED RESULTS" button above.
2023 tomsu team champions
Matt Tomsu(L), presents the championship plaques to (l to r) Sean Mason, Duncan DeVries, Jeff Campbell, and Drew Balta
This year's Tomsu Tournament showcased some terrific bowling. The weekend ended with seven 300 games, highlighting the extraordinary talent of our competitors. Congratulations to the seven bowlers who reached perfection.
Check out their closing shots below.
2024 Tomsu weekend 300fest
2024 Joe Tomsu Memorial
2024 Joe Tomsu Memorial





